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Dream of Beginning Again

The title is our theme for the month of March. And I for one am so excited for what this month is bringing and how I'm personally showing up for the challenge.

I believe it's never too late to start over. It's never too late to live your dream out loud. It's never too late to take a chance on yourself and just go for it. That's what I'm doing as you read this blog post. I've made the decision to make a major shift in my life. I've made the decision to actively pursue what I want to see happen. I'm living my dream so later, I can live my dream.

By making this decision however it means I need to leave some things behind. It means I need to shift my priorities and my focus and my commitments so that I can achieve my dream. But when your dream is big enough - the rest of it really doesn't matter. I finally understand this statement to be a true fact. I don't believe it would be possible if I didn't accept myself for exactly who I am and loving myself just as I am in this moment right now.

In my community this month we'll be covering the following topics on Thursdays during a live chat:

9th - Having trouble letting go? Difficulty with forgiveness? Let's talk some strategies to release the past and move forward.

16th - Have you forgotten how to dream? Or do you always feel like you don't have enough time? Let's spend some time dreaming together. I'll share some techniques and we'll reserve some time to work on our lists.

23rd - Last week we talked about our dreams. This week let's chat about the WHY behind them so you know your purpose when you start.

30th -You dreamed. You know your purpose. You understand your why. Let's chat about staying focused on the task at hand and developing resilience to keep you going along the way.

I'm so excited to be on this journey to help you learn and grow. My commitment to you is to put in the work so I can be the best for YOU. If you're looking for more support or help and you're not sure if you're ready for a Coach I highly recommend you reach out for a 15-minute discovery call with me to see if we're the right fit. In case we're not I have a great list of other Coaches who might be for you so not to worry!

As always loves. Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking a moment to read what I share from my heart. I so appreciate you.

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